Remnants: Logo, Branding and Promo Material
So I was approached by a friend of mine, Amy Roddy- a very fine woman who has started an ethically conscious business making the best of second hand and discarded clothes. She has a background in costume and textile design so she’s got some skills to bring to the table. Anyway, we had a look at what she was doing and her initial offerings and thought this is the kind of stuff we like to see.
Well recycling and stuff was the order of the day so looking at the standard old recycling logo was a first step. We searched about for recycling clothes just to see if this idea had been used before but we didn’t see anything similar anywhere during our extensive (read google searches) research. So the recycling hanger was born, doodled and the vectors made.
Colour schemes and fonts took a while to get right and get client approval. She has a decent eye so at least that was a bonus! Eventually after much discussion, to and fros and advice from third parties (Rebecca and Eoin) a consensus on both font and colour scheme were nearly 100% The business card stared to take shape and looked like this:
I wasn’t sure about the colour still and continued to tweak a little more…. desaturate, less yellow in the hue…. y’know…. messing about.
So we chatted a but more over a beer or two and then a coffee or two and settled. The colour scheme and font was finalised and given the A O K. Having originally been asked to design just a logo we were then asked to step it up ad see if we could apply the logo to various marketing materials and other uses so we did a pack of branded stuff.
Here’s a wee image of how the pack looked together. Job done!