by Pixel Rogue | 3d Art, Animation, App Design, Front Page, Graphic Design, SFX, UX/UI Design
So I was asked to do an app for the Errigal Arts Festival this year and I agreed without realising the absolute incredible workload I actually had on. Typically. The idea was to create some AR in situ animations that would run alongside poetry on the Inch Island...
by Pixel Rogue | 2d Art, BOOK, Front Page, Graphic Design, Illustration
So I made a wee book of my inktober response this year. Around 45 pages of images and some babbling from me as to the significance or lack there of of each image. Take alook here in incredible 3d flipbook glory. Right click to move into a 3d mode which is cool! Enter...
by Pixel Rogue | 2d Art, Front Page, Graphic Design, UX/UI Design
Doind some work for the Laurentic Forum at the moment. It was a super fast 3 day turnaround project for a tigh budget but we did some nice stuff anyway. They needed a logo, some marketting materials and a website done up. We have it sussed now I reckon… just as...
by Pixel Rogue | 2d Art, Animation, App Design, Front Page, Graphic Design, Illustration, UX/UI Design
! So we’re (me n me pal Richard Walsh) nearly there with a new App called Gridder. It’s by artists for artists and is pretty cool little addition to your creative workflow. We’re in beta testing at the moment and making a few tweaks while in the...